Sussex Green Ideas monthly online event
Sussex Green Ideas is an online meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7pm.
Building on the success of the Horsham Climate Cafe and the Horsham Future Forum which have been meeting online weekly since 27th March 2020. Going on-line helped the community of activists across Sussex to keep in touch and learn from each other, we want to keep this even as we restart local face to face activities.
You’ll need to book (free) tickets via eventbrite here (a donation is always welcome) . Opens in new tab
We will have a speaker from a local organisation every other month. In between, we will have a networking meeting to discuss the progress of various Sussex initiatives, focusing on Horsham District and what we can each learn from them. To learn about forthcoming speakers please visit our website and subscribe to our monthly enewsletter or keep your eyes open on
The meetings should be interesting and useful to both current and future activists!