Positive actions and solutions for everyday life to make green living and working the norm.

Sussex Green Living is a small charity making a big impact!  Since 2012 we’ve been on a mission to educate, inspire and empower the people of Sussex (and beyond!) to live in greater harmony with the natural world. Tackling the climate crisis requires as many people as possible to act now – and we believe no-one is too small to make a difference.

Our work is creating a wave of change across Sussex by supporting and inspiring people to reduce their environmental impact through shopping more sustainably, reducing waste, recycling single-use plastics and repairing rather than buying new.

In 2024 we launched our Green Business Network (GBN), this partnership opportunity provides awareness, education and initiatives to encourage employees to take action in the workplace and at home. In parallel with the GBN we launched our Pollination Education Station (PES) Trail. PES are functional eco art which are helping to join up the dots for nature, educating people about protecting the environment while boosting ecology diversity.

Charity No. 1189569

Simple Ways to Protect our Planet and Save Money


Reduce your plastic packaging through using your nearest ‘less waste’ or ‘zero waste shops’ and refill services.


Repair cafe – where volunteers fix mechanical, electrical, toys, bikes and textiles  – repair rather than replace.


Learn about recycling through your council household bins, our TerraCycle and supermarket recycling.


Our Pollination Education Station Trail which are helping join up the dots for nature. Sponsors needed.

Our monthly Sussex Green Hub event includes repairs, recycling, our less waste eco shop, community fridge and more.

Horsham Repair Cafe

Our once a month Horsham Repair Cafe is part of our Sussex Green Hub – offering electrical, mechanical, bikes and textile repairs.

Event Sussex Green Ideas

On the 3rd Wednesday every month 7- 8pm we offer a climate resilience support service using Zoom.

Our eco float is out and about with volunteers inspiring people at public events. Available for hire in your community.

Our Education Programmes engage and inspire greener living


We offer environmental education on various topics in schools and colleges.


We collaborate with businesses through our Green Business Network.


Learn about our fun inspiring outdoor Eco Roadshow at public and town centre events and schools.

Adult talks

We love to share our passion and solutions through adult talks to local groups.

Get Involved

8 steps pledge

We believe no one is too small to make a difference, try our our 8 steps pledge. 

Thriving communities

If you are inspired to take action and want to create a thriving community where you live, take a look at this page.

Volunteer with us

Join our team of volunteers, whether you can spare a few hours a month or more, please get in touch with us.

Fundraise for us

Could you organise a coffee morning, swishing party, sponsored litter pick up, walk or run. Our charity and your planet need you! 

Latest News

Exciting new family friendly event in Horsham

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