Carrie and key Sussex Green Living volunteers welcome the opportunity to share their passion for ‘greener living’ through talks in the community.
All the talks focus on conservation of natural resources through reduce, reuse, remake, repair, refill, rethink, regrow and recycle. We offer talks of varying lengths for groups and businesses through our Green Business Network.
Here are a few suggested talk themes:
- Recycling and inspirational upcycling.
- Climate change and its effects on the poor (sharing Carrie’s visit to Manila when she trained with Al Gore as part of the Climate Reality Leadership Corp, she visited the Purple Community Fund).
- The environmental effects of the fast fashion industry (link between climate change and fast fashion).
- Switch and ditch – how making better choices reduces our impact on the planet.
- What do nettles, eucalyptus and a t shirt have in common? (similar to the talk above but with more emphasis on sustainable and unsustainable textiles).
- Grow your own revolution.
- Repair cafe revolution.
- Inspirational upcycling in the garden.
We carry out a lot of work in schools. More information can be seen here.
To book a talk, email or call 07768 212833.
A few testimonials:
“Thank you so much for delivering your climate change & the solutions presentation. I am at home with a big grin on my face at the positive energy of the event – I think I managed to speak to everyone afterwards and the feedback was good. The slides were so powerful and I can see how easy it would be to fill 4 hours!”
Annie Brown – Adur Green Party
“Thank you for a most interesting Climate Reality talk, I learnt a huge amount and I’ve been speaking to family and friends about small changes they can make, such as who they bank with, meat free Mondays, etc. Thanks to you and Jenny for a great talk”.
Cath Brown, Transition Town Worthing
“Just a quick note to thank you for giving the talk last night. It really was one of the best Transition Chichester evenings we’ve had for a while – and great to see so many people engaging with the topic. Good luck with all your ventures. I’m sure we’ll be working together again some time soon”.
Julia Sanders, Trustee for Transition Chichester
“Just to let you know that a lady came into our Your Community Energy Shop in Worthing yesterday for training as an energy shop adviser because she had been to your presentation on Sept 11th and signed a ‘pledge to the planet’. She wanted you to know she has honoured that pledge by changing energy supplier to a renewable one and is now learning to help others do the same”.
Pauline Cory, Transition Town Worthing
More testimonials can be seen here and in our Google reviews.