We have educational materials for use in schools and colleges; film and book suggestions to inspire and action plans for taking the next steps to greener living.
Classroom materials and key information on how to approach the subject of climate change in the classroom.
Our favourite books, films, documentaries and podcasts to inspire.
A series of educational videos we made for primary school aged children.
Tips on how to put a plan in place to make your school more eco-friendly.
For those wishing to teach children and young people about climate change and climate solutions we have compiled a list of fantastic websites, teacher and pupil resources.
Our world is changing and there are always new things to discover about climate change – the causes and mitigation. Here are some of our favourite documentaries, books and podcasts to help you learn about the climate and ecological crisis along with the solutions to building a sustainable world.
During lockdown, our education programme moved online.
Here are our collection of videos that we created during that time. Aimed at primary school aged children, for use in the classroom or at home, the videos cover topics from upcycling for wildlife to recycling at home.
The time is now. Learning about climate change and the areas where we can mitigate our impact is one thing, but taking action is even better. What better place to start than in your own school?
There are many areas that can be addressed when looking at making your school more sustainable, from reducing waste to encouraging biodiversity.
We look at some ideas to get your started as well as resources and key contacts for putting together your school action plan.
Action Plan for Schools
Action Plan for Families
Action Plan for Adults
Our Services Flyer
Roadmap Poster
Why Refill Poster