• Renature with a Pollination Education Station

Carrie Cort with representatives from Lily's Cottage, with a pollination education station

Horsham Green Spaces nature recovery map for Horsham. Click to view.

Renature with a Pollination Education Station 

Britain’s nature, a depleted oasis, relies on pollinators for every third mouthful we savour – the unsung heroes behind our food and thriving ecosystems. Human activity has transformed built-up areas like Sussex, demanding innovative conservation solutions.

Below you can learn what you can do to help nature in your garden and through shopping choices. However we are really excited to share our exciting 2024 renature project with you. Cue our Pollination Education Stations (PES).

Our goal is to create a PES Trail across Sussex to boost biodiversity and amplify awareness of ongoing environmental initiatives. Our PES Trail will help connect our fragmented landscape, provide habitats for pollinators, nectar and pollen and herbs for the local community. This project supports the aims of the Weald to Waves network who are forming a 100 mile nature recovery corridor in Sussex. South Downs National Park Bee Line project and Horsham Green Spaces in Horsham town their exciting new urban recovery Wildways Project. Our PES have been lovingly made with repurposed pallet wood by Lily Cottage Upcycling and Horsham Men’s Shed*. All working together to help join up the dots.

Together, let’s nurture our ecosystems and celebrate the essential role of pollinators.

What is a Pollination Education Station?

A purpose-built structure crafted from repurposed materials, provides a safe, eco-luxury haven for our essential winged friends. Each station includes an educational plaque, fostering awareness and action everyone can take in their gardens and community.

How Can You Help?

Join businesses, pubs, councils, schools, groups, and individuals across Sussex:

  • Purchase and install a Pollinator Education Station on your property.
  • Sponsor a local school to host a station on their grounds.
  • Businesses – we are offering these Pollination Education Stations as part of our Green Business Network. Learn more here.
  • *Some communities may choose to make their own Pollination Education Station or ask their local Men’s or Community Shed to make one, that’s great, but please do contact us about adding your Pollination Education Station to our trail and the Weald to Waves map. We ask that you add one of our A2 recycled foamex educational plaques to your ‘station’, this provides ideas for action people can take in their gardens or community and directs them to our site to learn about solutions to the climate and nature crisis. We can add different logo to reflect the maker/sponsor/local environmental group. Please contact us to learn more.

PES Locations and Sponsors (updated 19th June 2024)

4th March North Heath Lane Trading Estate – sponsored by Envitia Ltd
19th May St. Mark’s Church Horsham – sponsored by Horsham Men in Sheds
20th May Castlewood Primary School, Southwater – Sponsored By Southwater Parish Council and Sussex Green Living
22nd May Southwater Junior School – Sponsored by Wates Developments
23rd May Trafalgar Infant School – Sponsored By Horsham Trafalgar Neighbourhood Council
7th June Ecclesden Park, Angmering – sponsored by David Wilson Homes
7th June Ryebank Gate, Yapton – sponsored by Barratt Homes and David Wilson Homes
12th June William Penn School, Coolham – donated by Sussex Green Living using Barratt Homes unrestricted donation
12th June North Heath Community Primary School, Horsham – Sponsored By Envitia Ltd
13th June  Billingshurst Primary School – donated by Sussex Green Living using Barratt Homes unrestricted donation
14th June Meadowbourne Place, Eastbourne – sponsored by Barratt Homes and David Wilson Homes
14th June Ersham Park, Hailsham – sponsored by Barratt Homes
Install Date TBC Shelley Primary School, Broadbridge Heath – sponsored by Broadbridge Heath Parish Council and St Johns Church


You can choose from two sizes and two different packages depending on whether you would like us to supply an ‘off the shelf’ pre- stuffed and planted Pollination Education Station or one which your community can forage, stuff and plant as part of a community team building event. See the flyer below for prices and options.

You can learn about our wider Green Business Network package here. 

Shows the MAXI and MIDI size options for our Pollination Education Stations

Learn about our Green Business Network, download and share

Flyer showing how businesses, councils and schools can get involved in our Pollination Education Station, download and share

Each PES comes with this A2 educational plaque, explaining why they are important, what you can do for nature and signposting to solutions. This is the Horsham District version, a different version will be available for PES in other areas, download this flyer

Pollinator friendly planting guide, download here

This is a MAXI sized PES installed with an educational plaque in North Heath Community School, Horsham, thanks to sponsor Envitia Ltd

Read on to learn other ways you can help people and nature to thrive in your garden