Sussex Green Hub & Harvest Festival Exchange
Saturday 28th September, United Reformed Church, 45 Springfield Road, Horsham, RH12 2RG, 10am-2.30pm
- This month only 10 – 2.30pm Transition Horsham Harvest Festival produce exchange
- 10am-11am – Horsham Community Fridge
- 10am – 1.30pm – Sussex Green Living Recycling
- 10am-2.30pm – Horsham Repair Cafe, Zero Waste Shop, Horsham Eco Churches and Community Energy Horsham.
- NEW MONTHLY ACTIVITY – Climate Fresk Quiz (we we be announcing the date of a 3 hour Climate Fresk workshop soon)
- PLUS… Green Book Library, Horsham Cape of Good Hopes (community textile project) and Community Cafe offering tea, coffee and cakes.
Climate Fresk Quiz at the Sussex Green Hub
Saturday 28th September, United Reformed Church, 45 Springfield Road, Horsham, RH12 2RG. Drop in any time between 10am and 2.30pm
At the September Hub Julie will be running a stand introducing Climate Fresk, an educational tool to help individuals learn more about Climate change and how we can tackle it. We will be running a Climate Fresk Quiz to get people talking about Climate Change and ask them to sign up for a full ‘Fresk’, a 3 hour fun and interactive workshop that helps people understand Climate Change and how we tackle it.
The facts in Climate Fresk are sourced from the most respected scientific publications: the IPCC reports. These are the same reports that inform global political and economic decision-making at the highest level.
Climate Fresk is neutral and objective and presents only established scientific facts. Climate Fresk is being used all over the world to engage and educate individuals, organisations & communities in better understanding Climate Change, realising it’s full impacts and empowering individuals to take action and bring about positive change.
So come along and take part in the quiz and learn more about Climate Fresk.
October Events
Maltravers Community Orchard Community Apple Day
Saturday 5th October, Maltravers Park, Littlehampton, BN17 5EY 11am – 3pm
We are delighted to be attending this event where we’ll be displaying a PES – Pollination Education Station – made from upcycled pallets and designed to give safe haven to our vital pollinators. Each PES is plantable, so that you can pot it up with nutrition-filled flowering flora to feed the bees and their friends in the springtime. Talk to us about sponsorship opportunities, how to get one made, and how you could get yours stuffed with plants donated by Greenwood Plants through our collaboration with them.
Mannings Heath and District Horticultural Society AGM
Thursday 10th October, Mannings Heath Village Hall, RH13 6JU 7.30pm (for 7.45)
All are welcome to the Mannings Heath & District Horticultural Society AGM which will be followed by David Bridges talking about ‘Going Wild in the Garden’, an illustrated talk on aspects of wildlife gardening as well as information about development of a local butterfly project and a community conservation project.
Transition Town Chichester ‘Adapt to the Climate’ Meeting
Tuesday 15th October, The Assembly Room, Council House, North Street, PO19 1LQ- 4pm-8pm
Chichester’s ‘Adapt to the Climate’ event, organised by Transition Town Chichester, will include three parts: stalls where you can speak to organisations about issues that matter to you, a series of talks on adaptation and resilience with a focus on the Chichester area, and a Question Time Panel which our CEO and Founder, Carrie, will be speaking on. Carrie will also be taking a display of Overherd Oat M*lk powder, discussing the wide-reaching benefits of buying products which contain less water than traditional brands.
Horsham Apple Day
Saturday 19th October, Unitarian Church Hall and Garden Worthing Road, Horsham, RH12 1SL, 10.30am-3.00pm
Our friends at Transition Horsham are holding a special day themed around apples.
The event will include:
- English apple tasting
- Apple cakes and puddings
- Apple Juices (teas and coffees also provided)
- Apple drawing and painting
There will also be Morris dancing and a family nature trail!
Sussex Green Hub
Saturday 26th October, United Reformed Church, 45 Springfield Road, Horsham, RH12 2RG, 10am-2.30pm
- 10am-11am – Horsham Community Fridge
- 10am-2.30pm – Horsham Repair Cafe, Zero Waste Shop, Horsham Eco Churches, Transition Horsham, Community Energy Horsham, Sussex Green Living Recycling (until 1.30pm only).
- PLUS… Green Book Library, Horsham Cape of Good Hopes (community textile project) and Community Cafe offering tea, coffee and cakes.
Sustainable Energy at Home – free event organised by Transition Horsham Energy Group
Saturday 26th October, St. John’s Catholic Church, 3 Springfield Road, RH12 2PJ, 1-3pm
A series of short talks from Solar, Heat Pump and Insulation companies, also locals who have recently had these technologies installed – followed by Q&A.
Featured companies include:
- Snugg Systems (Heat Pumps)
- Solar Dynamics (PV Solar)
- Kind Supply (Insulation)
November Events
Sussex Green Hub
Saturday 30th November, United Reformed Church, 45 Springfield Road, Horsham, RH12 2RG, 10am-2.30pm
- 10am-11am – Horsham Community Fridge
- 10am-2.30pm – Horsham Repair Cafe, Zero Waste Shop, Horsham Eco Churches, Transition Horsham, Community Energy Horsham, Sussex Green Living Recycling (until 1.30pm only).
- PLUS… Green Book Library, Horsham Cape of Good Hopes (community textile project) and Community Cafe offering tea, coffee and cakes.
December Events
Sussex Green Hub
Saturday 28th December, United Reformed Church, 45 Springfield Road, Horsham, RH12 2RG, 10am-1pm
- 10am-11am – Horsham Community Fridge
- 10am-1pm – Horsham Repair Cafe, Sussex Green Living Recycling, Zero Waste Shop, Horsham Eco Churches, Transition Horsham, Community Energy Horsham
- PLUS… Green Book Library, Horsham Cape of Good Hopes (community textile project) and Community Cafe offering tea, coffee and cakes.