Have Fun and Protect the Planet With Some Upcycled Garden Magic!
The days are getting longer, the grass is getting greener, ladybirds and butterflies are coming out of hiding and temperatures are slowly getting warmer. It’s that time of year again, spring! It’s a time for resolutions, good deeds and most of all renewal, so what better way to start off the new year than with some positive upcycling in the garden?
But, hold on a minute… upcycling? What on earth is that? You may ask. When Lynn Haughton, the founder of The Upcycle Movement was asked this question, she had this to say:
“Globally, we are beginning to realise the negative effects we have caused. In recent years the term ‘upcycling’ has been given to items that are rescued and re-purposed to prevent them from becoming waste – while upping their value. The term may be new but it is not a new concept; there has been a resurgence in upcycling and a global movement has begun. We are now starting to look at our waste in a different way. We are looking at it as a valuable resource.”
According to WasteConnect, tyres in the UK produce over 480,000 tonnes of waste a year, which equates to approximately as much as 4,404 giant blue whales would weigh! So, instead of getting your tyres recycled (which uses an awful lot of resources in itself) why not help protect the planet by using a few of them to spruce up your garden and get ready for some summer fun?
Here are a few inspired ideas, which the entire family can get involved in and will leave your garden looking bright and beautiful!
Funky Tyre Seesaw
If your family counts young adventurers among it then this home-made seesaw may be just the thing. It’ll be great fun to make and keep them occupied for hours (and you can have some fun with the decoration too. I’m envisioning a pirate theme… any takers?) Barefoot in Paradise host a fantastic two step tutorial for the basic base and the comfy seat option!
Bright and Pretty Garden Planters
Whether you want to grow plants, vegetables or simply stow away some toys, these garden planters make excellent garden accessories. Colour them bright, shape them crazy, your imagination is the limit! You can find step by step instructions here!
The Classic Tyre Swing
Who doesn’t enjoy swinging back and forth on a warm summer’s day? Whether old or young we all love it and with a little bit of help from one of Crafting a Green World’s tire swing tutorials you’ll be swinging through the trees in no time!
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