Community climate hub

Philanthropists and business heroes needed

Community climate hubIt is easy to focus on finances and ignore the climate just now, when the cost-of-living crisis is hitting us so hard. However, the two are fundamentally interlinked. Reassessing how we live and what we consume ultimately saves resources for our planet and puts money into our pockets too.

For 2023 we want to build on the success of our monthly pop-up Sussex Green Hub by establishing a Community Climate Hub ‘on the high street’ in Horsham. The purpose of the hub is to offer initiatives and education that allow everyone to make changes to their life that have a positive impact on the planet AND save them money!

We’ve found premises in the Bishopric, but need to raise serious money for the lease, overheads and a member of staff to help with our important and ambitious mission.

What is a Community Climate Hub?

Zero Carbon Guildford

Zero Carbon Guildford

Community Climate Hubs are premises in villages, towns and cities where community, environmental groups and councils unite to share solutions and actions. Community Climate Hubs are popping up all around us: Guildford, Lewes, Shoreham, Godalming, Bromley and now there’s a new one in Worthing. Well, we want one in Horsham!

What does a Community Climate Hub offer?

The Hubs offer advice and education focusing on reducing waste, repairing, refilling and recycling.  Ours will provide a permanent venue for our Horsham Repair Café (where we offer repairs of electrical, mechanical and textile items and a knife sharpening service) as well as a home for the Horsham Community Fridge and a Library of Things (a tool rental service in collaboration with Horsham MakerSpace) and a baby and toddler clothes bundle rental scheme.

Library of Things

We plan to offer a bottle refill service for household cleaning and personal hygiene products, a green book library, venue for environmental film screenings, talks, workshops and teas!

Zero Waste Refill Shop


Once our hub is established, we will then help set up a number of satellite hubs across West Sussex. This approach has already proved very successful with our recycling schemes in the villages.

Hubs are generally open 5/6 days a week, but unlike many other Hubs, we have sadly been unable to secure free town centre premises, so in addition to many hours spent applying for grants, we are now optimistically seeking philanthropists and businesses who can help bring this exciting innovation to the good folk of Horsham.

So if you or your business can offer any suggestions, contacts or financing, please contact me, Carrie Cort, on  07768 212833.

Donations can also be made HERE.  Here’s hoping that 2023 is the year we evolve!


By Carrie Cort