How Affordable are Affordable Homes?

How Affordable are Affordable Homes? We’ve heard a lot recently about housebuilding. Horsham District Council’s new Local Plan is now with the Government appointed inspector. Meanwhile, central government is promising to double the number of new homes built each year, which could potentially mean a lot more building in our District

HDC has, quite sensibly, increased the number of affordable homes to be included in the developments earmarked in our Local Plan. However, as the definition of an affordable home is 80% of the market price, for sale or to rent, and house prices continue to rise from their present, eyewatering levels in Horsham, just how affordable will these homes be?

Young couples, families or single people, despite earning a reasonable wage, simply do not have the funds to afford a home, either to buy or rent, in our town, and a reduction of 20% on a limited supply of properties, isn’t going to change this.

North Horsham Community Land Trust, a community led not-for-profit organisation, has been in existence for over four years and is trying to crack this problem. Our vision is to provide homes for local people to rent at truly affordable prices, which the CLT would own in perpetuity, for the benefit of future generations.

The good news is that the climate is changing regarding new homes. Central government now realise that, if they want to keep their promise about providing more homes for people that need them, then things are going to have to change in the housing market. No longer can we rely on the small handful of housebuilders who provide most of the new homes built in this country, and who, despite gaining planning permission, only build out at a pace to suit their cashflow and balance sheets.

What is needed is much greater community involvement to provide the right homes, in the right places and at the right prices. Community land trusts and other community-led housing groups have a big part to play, and this is now recognised in government. HDC have made specific mention in the Local Plan about CLT involvement in developments and central government has likewise recognised that community developments consistently provide better outcomes for local people and their communities, with much less local opposition.

There are many examples throughout the country of CLT successes. In fact there are currently over 548 CLT groups in England and Wales, with 587 CLT projects either completed or ongoing. Over 1,100 CLT homes have been completed to date with another 7,100 currently in the pipeline. With help from HDC, local communities and developers, Horsham could easily add to these numbers.

Just imagine, we could have really affordable homes for local people, in the places they want to live, on developments where local communities are part of the planning process, which provide the good quality, truly sustainable developments that we would all like to see.

To find out more visit our website and let us know how you would like to help.

By Peter Beckley