Sustainable businesses needed

News bulletin………. Sustainable businesses needed for University of Chichester study.

landfill siteWest Sussex companies who save old products from landfill are being sought for a new research study by the University of Chichester and West Sussex County Council.

There has been a recent growth in businesses increasing the lifespan of products by refurbishing, remanufacturing or recycling them for future use. The cost of landfill, pressure to recycle and the current economic situation means that companies and the general public are becoming conscious of the replacement and disposal of products.

Now the University and County Council, on behalf of the Environment and Climate Change Board, want to hear from businesses operating in the Maintain, Mend and Pass-On sector, allowing them to map the size and scope of the field. This will then mean greater business support can be offered to them.

recycle binDr David Cooper and Dr Dawn Robins from the University of Chichester are leading the project. Dr Cooper, who is the Business Development Director at the West Sussex institution, said: “There is an emerging gap in the market whereby companies can profit from adapting, refurbishing, maintaining or recycling both domestic and commercial products that would previously have gone to landfill. This may involve adding value to a product, repairing or maintaining a faulty product or even recycling something into a completely different item.”

“We want these businesses to get in touch with us, give us a short summary of what they do, allowing us to build up an accurate picture of the county in relation to these businesses and their practices.”
Businesses should send their information to Stephen Utton at the University of Chichester by emailing .
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