Why not become a member – its free!
Did you know we have a Members’ Zone? This area is for members only – but membership is free so why not join today! This site is for you the people of Sussex, so we want you to take some ownership it. To become a member all you need to do is click on the black ‘Follow‘ button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, add your email address and click the ‘Sign me up’ link underneath.
If you are an individual and are interested in contributing content to our site please fill in our contact us form or email giving the following information:
Name, email address, telephone number and an indication of the type of content you are interested in contributing. We will then register you on the site and email you a username and password. You will be able to change the password to something more memorable, if preferred, once you have logged in.
If you are a business interested in submitting content please see the information here.
We will regularly add content and free resources to the Members’ Zone. Currently the following resources are available:
- 25 Sustainable living tips
- Make your own unique envelopes
- Recycling chart
- Sussex Green Living Newsletter issue 1
- Green Club Newsletter issue 1
- Love Food Hate Waste guide
- Download our free Sussex Green Living A3 poster. Print it out and display it in your school, nursery, club, hall, place of work etc.
- How to use a glut of apples
- 10 Tips for using Blackberries
Forward your suggestions for events, videos, parks and green spaces etc to be added to “your” site.
“Greening Sussex by Sussex families”