Gatwick Airport New Flight Path Consultation

CAGNE communities against Gatwick noise emissionsPost submitted on behalf of CAGNE – Communities Against Gatwick Noise Emissions.  This page tells you where to find more information about the new  flight path plan and what you can do to object.

Your Action is Needed Now!

Please participate, there is a deadline of 14th August, Gatwick Airport are looking to change Noise Preferential Routes and your home could be affected. The changes would bring a constant stream of planes, very low over communities not affected by planes before – forever!

Suggested answers can be found on this page or send the answers on this page with a covering letter to:  FREEPOST RSLG ATKL LBAE, Gatwick Consultation, Ipsos MORI, Research Services House, Elmgrove Road, Harrow HA1 2QG.

(Gatwick Airport do not guarantee receiving posted letters unless they are sent recorded).

This consultation on Noise Preference Routes (NPRs) is conducted by Gatwick Airport as they wish to expand by the ‘back door’ to benefit them, not you, by placing more planes into the skies above homes.

* All options, A, B, C, bring planes over areas not currently over flown.

* You do not have to agree to changing NPR’s.

We suggest that you also write to the contacts listed below the following:

* Write No New Flight Paths and No New NPRs – there is no need to change them and there is a principle here, why should one commercial organisation be allowed to blight so many people’s lives and homes?

* All of the new flight path maps bring misery to those that have paid a premium to avoid living under NPRs.

* No compensation will be given whilst property values and quality of life will be affected.

* Object that your community/area does not know exactly the height the planes will be overhead.

* Object to the noise a continuous stream of planes, Gatwick’s aim is at 1 minute intervals, will bring to previously tranquil areas.

* Object to respite, day and night, being placed in areas not currently under NPRs.

* Object that the heights given do not take into account the elevated location of your home i.e. Gatwick is already 202 feet above sea level and so heights given are incorrect to what you will experience! Also object that the noise contours to do not cover areas already affected by noise.

* The new technology requires planes to climb steeply at nearly full throttle during take off bringing intense noise to those on the ground.

* Why are established flight paths, NPRs, not used to achieve Gatwick’s aims to increase flights to the west.

* Object to night flights and increases in night flights.

* There are well-documented health risks from being exposed to constant plane noise see .uk.

* This consultation suggests these changes with no research on the impact these changes will have on your life and health from the constant stream of aircraft noise and emissions, day and night.

* Gatwick, all of whose shareholders are overseas investors, seeks to profit from more planes taking off and landing at Gatwick Airport.

* NATS, National Air Traffic Services who design flight paths, is partially owned by airlines and the Government.

Ask for Compensation; who will pay you compensation for these changes to NPRs?

Write to:

Rt Hon Francis Maude MP, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA or email on .

Rt Hon Patrick Mc Loughlin is Secretary of State for Transport, Department for Transport, Great Minster House, 33 Horseferry Road London SW1P 4DR.  Tel 0300 330 3000 or email .

Official contact form to complain –

Rt Hon David Cameron MP, No 10 Downing Street, London SW1A 2AA or email via this online contact form

Dame Deirdre Hutton, Chair of the CAA, 45-59 Kings Way, London WC2B 6TE or email on .

GATCOM – Dr John Godfrey, Chairman, GATCOM, Gatwick Airport, Destination Place RH6 0NP or email c/o .

HDC – Cllr Claire Vickers – – task force to look at secondrunway.

WSCC/ HDC/ GATCOM – Cllr Liz Kitchen, Highams, Rusper, RH12 4PY or email on .

WSCC – Louise Goldsmith, Leader of West Sussex County Council, County Hall, Chichester PO19 1RQ or email on .

Neil Border – Heading up WSCC task force to look at second runway contact on .

Help your neighbour to write and object, especially if they do not use the Internet.

On Wednesday 2nd July 7pm there is a CAGNE meeting at the Comrades Club, Warnham – all are welcome.

Drop In events to discuss the Gatwick Airport New Flight Path consultation document:

Saturday 5th July 10-12.30pm at Rusper Village Hall

Saturday 12th July 10-12.30pm Comrades Club Warnham

Saturday 19th July 10-12.30pm Slinfold Village Hall

*       Larger maps and help will be on hand to complete the consultation

*       We will endeavour to help you understand this jargon filled 120 page document.

Warnham Parish Council Public Meeting

23rd July at 7.30pm at Warnham Village Hall

Gatwick Airport New Flight Path Consultation – Your Action is Needed Now

Please participate, deadline 14th August, otherwise you will find yourself, your community, under a constant stream of very low, noisy planes – forever!

*          Please see attached leaflet and suggested answers to the questions.

Take part in our quick survey – how has the ADNID trial route affected you?

Are You Still Complaining about aircraft noise?

Gatwick noise line – /" target="_blank">

Cc  /" target="_blank"> and /" target="_blank">

You need to send a complaint per aircraft please so we can use the FOI act to monitor Gatwick’s figures.

Post submitted on behalf of CAGNE – Communities Against Gatwick Noise Emissions.

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