Support the Weald Oil Walk
Did the World announce there is a climate emergency? Yes by 26th August 2020 1,767 jurisdictions in 30 countries had declared a climate emergency. Populations covered by jurisdictions that have declared a climate emergency amount to over 820 million citizens, with 60 million of these living in the United Kingdom. This means in Britain now over 90 per cent of the population lives in areas that have declared a climate emergency, over 450 councils all together. So why are the councils in Surrey and Sussex still allowing licences for profit making companies to drill for fossil fuel? It is insane. Learn what is happening locally with an update from the Weald Action Group:
1. The Weald Action Group are doing a Weald Oil Walk in September aiming to raise money in view of the Judicial Review being led by Sarah Finch from Surrey following Surrey CC adopting a Climate Emergency and then permitting the drilling company UKOG to undertake production at their Horse Hill site (well a bit waterlogged currently). To learn more about the walk contact .
2. Balcombe – application for Extended Well Test coming forward again to WSCC Planning Committee. It was due to be considered on March 24th but that meeting was held later and the Planning Officer Chris Bartlett recommended REFUSAL. Out for consultation until Sept 28th.
Objections needed sent to – Planning No: WSCC/045/20
Location: Lower Stumble Exploration Site, off London Road, Balcombe, Haywards Heath RH17 6JH
Proposal: Remove drilling fluids and carry out an extended well test
Valid Date: 26/08/2020
Status: Application Pending a Decision Deadline for comments Sept 28th.
Decision Date:
We have Angus Energy back on our on the radar here, with an application they have been saying for ages they will send in. It’s not that different from the last one (that the WSCC planners wanted to refuse), but we are beginning to rally as many objections as we can. The reasons for refusal by the WSCC Planning Officer last time were given for the WSCC Planning Committee meeting which also considered Broadford Bridge originally planned for March 24th but delayed by the virus to July 7th when the Committee backed a further 2 years at BB. The reasons for REFUSAL for the Angus application for extended Well Test at Balcombe
The proposed development would represent major development in the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, for which there are no exceptional circumstances, and which is not in the public interest.
There are alternative sources of hydrocarbon supply, both indigenous and imported, to meet the national need, there would be minimal benefit to the local economy from the development, and there is scope for meeting the need in some other way, outside of nationally designated landscapes.
It would therefore be contrary to Policies M7a and M13 of the West Sussex Joint Local Minerals Plan (2018) and paragraphs 170 and 172 of the National Planning Policy Framework, NPPF (2019).
I think the planners’ key factors are the lack of exceptional circumstances and the lack of benefit to the local economy. To say nothing of the lack of benefit to the national economy! And we still have all our other reasons – against climate change commitments, danger to the village primary school of HGVs passing within 3 metres of classrooms, danger to local water, damage to wildlife and ecology, industrialisation of an AONB, and the others we all know.
3. Dunsfold application for preliminary drill – was supported by Surrey CC Planning officer but was REFUSED by SCC Planning Committee by 6 votes to 5 in a virtual meeting. The process was reviewed and Surrey CC is re-running this but date not yet known.
4. UKOG have applied for a exploratory drill at Arreton on the Isle of Wight. Objectors, Don’t drill the Wight got great website – objections continue to be accepted. No date yet for decision by Planning Committee.
Please take action against this insane drilling. The climate crisis is evident to all, we know we need to achieve zero emissions by 2030 so how can we/they continue to drill and burn fossil fuel?
* This information is taken from surging seas – choosed bit of world you are interested in play with increasing temp etc and it gives you a graphic answer.
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