Horsham Climate Cafe online on the first Saturday of every month
Launched in December 2019 as a physical Climate Cafe physical, then in March 2020 we quickly adapted it to a weekly online event. In June the Climate Cafe reverted to the first Saturday of the month with a topical feature speaker of global interest and we launched our weekly online Horsham Future Forum and Horsham Youth Eco Forum. As the year has progressed our online offering has been adapted to demand.
Just because our Horsham Climate Cafe is online, it doesn’t mean we have to lose our ‘café’ element – feel free to tune in with a cup of tea and slice of cake at your side! Please do also be aware that there is no obligation or need for you to talk or show your face if you don’t wish to – simply join us in whatever capacity you wish and enjoy the sessions!
These online events can be booked here.
1) Monthly Horsham Climate Cafe – Feature Presentation Events
- First Saturday of every month, 2-3.30 pm via Zoom
- (Until we can recommence meeting in person 2-4 pm!)
- Exciting topical feature event on Zoom with a speaker (or two!) followed by a question and answer session/discussions.
2) On the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month 7-8pm Horsham Future Forum learn more here
3) Usually every Sunday at 6pm Horsham Youth Eco Forum learn more here
How do I join the online meetings?
- Please book onto the appropriate Climate Cafe date(s!) you want to be a part of through our Eventbrite booking page.
- The day before the selected session we will email everyone who signed up with the Eventbrite the Zoom weblink, and our unique meeting ID number and password. If you book after this email is sent, you will still be sent this information – we will email you individually on Saturday!
- PLEASE NOTE: for security reasons we do not want to put these details on the Horsham Climate Cafe page or in the social media, so using Eventbrite is the only way to gain access to our meeting details!
- Please do not worry if you are late or cannot meet the starting time – you can join the meeting at any time!
A little note on Zoom –
- You can access Zoom from your laptop or computer on your browser, or mobile/tablet device (either via the browser, or you can download the app from your app store).
- If you have not used Zoom before and would like to learn how before our meeting, you can check out this helpful page that explains all you need to know! – https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-Joining-a-Meeting
Previous Events and Resources for Building a Better Future
These are links to services and blogs which reflect the themes of the Horsham Climate Cafe sessions we have run since changing to a weekly virtual meeting:
- 4th April – Climate Cafe – Cleaning product and personal hygiene bottle refill services during lockdown offered by the Horsham Quakers learn more here https://www.horsham-refill.com/ or contact Helen at or on 07941 338169. We also discussed ways of saving money through switching to clean energy using this site https://bigcleanswitch.org/, the people we have switched at the Horsham Repair Cafe have saved between £90 – £366.
- 11th April – Climate Cafe – Educational eco-art competition ‘Clean up and create a bright new future’ run by Sussex Green Living and the South Downs National Park was presented. There are 16 x £150 prizes to be won! Learn more here.
- 18th April – Saving money through growing growing and swapping food.
- 25th April – Climate Cafe – Develop a Horsham Local Exchange Trading Scheme and Future Economic Visions https://www.sussexgreenliving.org.uk/the-mutual-aid-movement/.
- 2nd May – Climate Cafe – The effects of Covid-19 on the natural world, our attitudes towards it, and how we can build on this for a more sustainable future. Our speaker Tony Whitbread followed this us with a blog, where we also link the recording of his talk for you to learn more, hear his thoughts and be a part of protecting our natural world post-corona. https://www.sussexgreenliving.org.uk/pressing-the-pause-button/.
- 9th May – Climate Cafe – Life in lockdown in Ecuador’s cloud rainforest (https://www.sussexgreenliving.org.uk/message-from-ecuadorian_cloud-forest/) and helping to raise awareness for the brilliant children taking their Ecuadorian Government to court over devastating mining concessions in the once protected land (https://www.sussexgreenliving.org.uk/uk-environmentalist-raises-the-alarm-to-support-childrens-right-to-fresh-air/). Also hear Victoria’s PhD research on indigenous people in Canada, their connection to the natural and world and the changes they have noticed due to climate change (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sMKRc44JXI&t=1571s).
- 16th May – Climate Cafe – Recruiting schools for FREE solar and cheaper electricity – Shannon from Solar for Schools talked to us about the brilliant project as we began discussions on how to recruit a local cohort of schools to help transition to solar energy, and all for free (https://www.solarforschools.co.uk/).
- 2nd June – Launch of the Horsham Future Forum and the Horsham Youth Eco Forum.
- 6th June – Climate Cafe – We were joined by numerous speakers who shared their brilliant ideas more sustainable holidaying and travel habits, particularly in light of Covid-19. We discussed Staycations, Slowcations and Ethical Travel as well as a whole host of other great resources, business and ideas. If you would like to watch this session or read the summarising blog, you can do so here https://www.sussexgreenliving.org.uk/holidays-2020-and-beyond/.
- 9th June – Horsham Future Forum – Horsham District Cycling Forum presentation about their campaign for more safe cycling in Horsham town. Learn more here.
- 16th June – Horsham Future Forum – Green Spaces/Biodiversity by Horsham Green Spaces, learn more and listen to their presentation here.
- 23rd June – Horsham Future Forum – Community resilience by Horsham Matters & Foodbank.
- 30th June – Horsham Future Forum presentation by Horsham District Cycling Forum – update on progress with the temporary pop-up cycling lanes in the town. Learn more here.
- 4th July – Climate Cafe – focusing on life celebrations, and how to make them more pocket and planet-friendly. Presented by Jeanie Francis, a Billingshurst-based OneSpirit Interfaith minister/celebrant. Learn more here.
- 7th July – Horsham Future Forum presentation by Rosemary Couchman and Karen Park from Horsham Churches Together about the work of Horsham eco churches. Learn more here.
- 14th July – Horsham Future Forum – general networking, sharing local news and climate action opportunities.
- 21st July – Horsham Future Forum presentation by Ben McCallan about the Guildford Community Hub. Learn more here.
- 28th July – Horsham Future Forum brainstorm speakers, themes and ideas for future events and action.
- 1st Aug – Climate Cafe – Retrofit Works Warming Sussex presented by Soren Nellegaard from Retrofit Works – Warmer Sussex. This is an alliance of expert advocates, advisers, designers and contractors that have worked for many years, seeking to make homes more comfortable, cheaper to run and less impactful on the planet. Learn about the whole house plan for retrofitting your home, reducing your energy use and carbon footprint. Learn more here.
- 5th Sept – Climate Cafe – Wildlife-Friendly Gardening by Joanne Knowles and Natalie Carroll. Learn more here.
- 8th Sept – Horsham Future Forum – Horsham Community Fridge. Learn more here.
- 15th Sept – Horsham Future Forum – The Food Resilience Project at Cootham presented by Adam Stark. Learn more here.
- 22nd Sept – Horsham Future Forum – Networking meeting with no key speaker.
- 29th Sept – Horsham Future Forum – Green Homes Grant. Learn more here.
- 3rd Oct – Climate Cafe – A New Story for Ourselves, our Community and Humanity by Paul Hannam. Read a blog and listen to his podcast of this event here. You can see Paul’s short video biography here.
- 7th Oct – Horsham Future Forum – Horsham District Cycling Forum update, plus sharing news and events.
- 14th Oct – Horsham Future Forum – Building a Wellbeing Economy in Horsham.
- 21st Oct – Horsham Future Forum – Networking meeting with no key speaker.
- 28th Oct – Horsham Future Forum – Energy cost comparisons and switching. Conversations about Green Homes Grants and retrofitting.
- 7th Nov – Climate Cafe – Should we stop flying? talk by Anna Hughes Director of Flight Free UK. Learn more here.
- 11th Nov – Horsham Future Forum – Networking meeting with no key speaker.
- 25th Nov – Horsham Future Forum – Finding local growers, food and drink producers.
- 5th Dec – Climate Cafe – British Flowers Rock.
- 9th Dec – Horsham Future Forum – Networking meeting with no key speaker.
- 2nd Jan – Climate Cafe – New Year New Story.
- 13th Jan – Horsham Future Forum – Networking meeting with no key speaker.
- 27th Jan – Horsham Future Forum – RePOWER Balcombe.
- 6th Feb – Climate Cafe – Circular Economy, new system to flight climate change.
- 10th Feb – Horsham Future Forum – Networking meeting with no key speaker.
In addition to an informal talk on the subjects above at every Horsham Climate Cafe session we are collating ideas for saving money and building a more resilient community. Some of these ideas need people in the community to help make these community initiatives happen, for pocket and planet – please help us!
- We shared current community services available such as Food2Boot, a £19.99 meal kit service for local key-workers, the elderly, vulnerable, self-isolating groups or those needing to avoid risks through social contact at shops. Once the meal-kit has been selected and ordered online, customers can then collect their order, contact-free, from their local council park and ride in Horsham https://www.food2boot.co.uk/?fbclid=IwAR3W041Si_IBF16BtvkQQJ2Hwbsw2UYtj49NtdIHNCjpMpMUPPM7MII4L0M
- Andrea is helping Sussex Green Living map out Horsham District Green Groups (plus some in West Sussex), these are being potted on a West Sussex map and in this document. Take a look and add any other ideas or see if there is anything you might want to get involved with https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s52tz38m851yZ3tJ-dgAfHkcrQvvqV1C1v6s5916K2Y/edit
- ZeroWasteBulkFoods are still delivering plastic-free dry foods within the local area https://www.zerowastebulkfoods.co.uk/
- The Horsham Markets are running a local produce click and collect or home delivery service https://foodrockssouth.co.uk/horshammarkets/
- Set up a Horsham Local Exchange Trading Systems or Schemes (LETS). A LETS scheme is a local community-based mutual aid networks in which people exchange all kinds of goods and services with one another, without the need for money, through which people swap services within the community on a money-free basis. https://www.
- Consider setting up a library of things https://
edinburghtoollibrary.org.uk/ h ttps://www.libraryofthings.co. uk/ - A seed, plant and food swap for anyone growing food at home. This would either be held virtually and then by drop off or in person once interactions are less restricted. Or could take place at the Horsham Repair Cafe and or the Horsham Climate Cafe when they are running again.
- A high quality pre-loved clothes shop in partnership with local clothes recycling charity Bags of Support and a food refills pop-up shop in one of the empty spaces in Swan Walk or the high street.After each Horsham Climate Cafe we will add ideas to this page, but we do need local people to help set them up.Anyone is welcome to join our Horsham Climate Cafe weekly virtual meetings.
If you have skills or expertise you would like to offer to these discussions or other green initiatives to share do contact .
The Current Climate
- The current situation needn’t be a cause for despair or for a halt to development and activities – in fact, it can be quite the opposite! We can use this time to pursue new goals, embark or complete projects we’ve always wanted to work on, and visualise and create new habits, ways of thinking and living.
- And this can be very applicable to the environment, and in particular, Climate Change. We can all see how strongly and quickly the world’s governments are responding to the current corona crisis, and rightly so – but imagine if the same sense of urgency and gusto was put behind climate change mitigation (an equally pressing global issue!) – great things could potentially be achieved.
- At the level of the individual (us!), we can spend some of our time thinking and learning about, and then implementing, small changes we can make in our lives to do our bit for climate change. Or perhaps if you’ve been considering it for a while, even join a movement and get more involved in environmental activism in your local area! If ever there was a time, why not now?!
- And why not start with our Climate Cafe meetings – come and learn tips and tricks on how to benefit the environment, live a little more sustainably and save money, and simply see some friendly faces every week – social distancing doesn’t mean social isolation!
Show and Tell!
At every Horsham Climate Cafe meet we look forward to sharing our own green tips and tricks, and part of this is a show and tell for environmentally friendly products and product switches. Knowing how we as individuals can help make a difference can often seem overwhelming or too difficult, but it needn’t be! It can be as easy as simple swaps on products and habits already in use in our every day lives, which is something we can all get involved with and excited about. Wanting some inspiration? Check back here every month for the latest show and tells shared at our Climate Cafe, or come along to a session to hear about them yourself. Perhaps you have a show and tell yourself? Come along and share your eco-hacks with us all, we’d love to hear them!
Cotton Facial Rounds
If you use cotton pads to apply your skincare routine, remove makeup or similar uses, consider saving yourself some money and buy some cotton facial rounds instead. They do the exactly the same job, except instead of having to be thrown away after use, you simply put them through the wash and they are ready to go again!
Food Sealants
Tired of using clingfilm or tin foil to wrap sandwiches and cover bowls and plates of food, only to throw it away once you’re done with it? Give one of these products a go instead! We can now buy different-sized silicone sealants that wrap around plates and bowls, keeping food fresh and protected, which can then be resused after a quick wash. The hot new trend beeswax wraps do exactly the same job, and are able to seal themselves over any shape you like – simply use your hands to apply a little heat around the sealing area, and the beeswax will mould to shape and hold itself there.
Deodorant Rocks
Swap out the ‘traditional’ deodorants and their plastic packaging for their alternative, the deodorant rock. Made of purely natural mineral salts, you just add a little water to the rock and then apply as you would a normal roll-on. These reduce plastic waste, are scent-free, and leave behind no stains on your clothes! If you prefer more natural products too, the mineral salt composition of these rocks also means you avoid synthetic chemicals otherwise included in deodorants. One rock can last you years – now that’s value for money!
Moulton Bike
Here’s one for all the cycling enthusiasts – the Moulton bike. This bike can be disassembled into two halves, meaning it can easily be transported in a travel case, in car boots, and even taken on the train, allowing you to use it as an ‘urban bike’. However, unlike many other two-part bikes, the Moulton doesn’t compromise on performance for this, and so can also be used for performance cycling and laden touring.
Kettle tips and tricks
Did you know, simply boiling water in your kettle can produce a lot of CO2 into our atmosphere? Boiling double the amount of water you need and adding milk to your drink produces about 71g of CO2. Boil only what you need and add milk, its 53g of CO2. Boil only what you need and have a black tea or coffee – 21g! So to make your tea/coffee breaks a little more environmentally friendly, simply only boil however much water you need – fill up your mug with water and use it as your exact measuring jug! If you really want to go the extra mile, try a black tea or coffee every now and then – milk significantly increases the carbon footprint of a brew!
What is a Climate Cafe?
- Are you interested in finding out what little changes we can make as an individual to help the environment? Want to find out what action is being taken locally? Fancy meeting like-minded people or just having a chat? Feeling overwhelmed at the current environmental crisis and just want an outlet? Enjoy tea and cake? If yes to any of these, then the Climate Cafe is for you!
- A Climate Café is an open group for anyone with a concern about the climate crisis, and will generate ideas about what action we can take individually and locally to make a difference
- Visitors can enjoy delicious homemade cake, have a hot drink, enjoy a chat and join in or listen to the conversations about problems and solutions – come and get inspired!
- Never been before? Don’t know anything about helping the environment? Not a problem – this is why we started our climate cafe! Bring a friend and come along to start the conversation and learning about what we can do to do our bit for the environment
- Attend once, or every month!
- Let’s share ideas and actions people can take to reduce their impact, maybe even taking away a ‘Pledge to the planet’ action each month! (Download your own online action plan here too – see our adult version and family version)
- A clean energy switching service is also available here – simply bring your last energy bill and we can lend a hand, or use our site Big Clean Switch to do it from the comfort of your own home!
- Anyone of any age is welcome to attend. Each month there will also be a dedicated area for young people. Since Greta Thunberg’s school strikes became headline news and the increasing concern about the climate crisis, there has been a demand from many young people living in Horsham District who want a relaxed space where they can come together and share their climate concerns and actions. This space will be for age 11 and upwards and led by young people where they can discuss concerns, hopes and action
- Sussex Green Living has been developing climate mitigation solutions since its launch on Earth Day 2012, and includes initiatives such as offering free climate education and carbon literacy in schools, delivering talks about on climate and environmental problems and solutions to adult groups, setting up and growing single-use plastic recycling schemes (we now have 12 villages collecting for our recycling scheme run through TerraCycle). Our Climate Cafe is our latest extension of this!
We know from experience it can be difficult to talk about climate change with friends and family, so Climate Cafés are designed to provide a space to do just that. Come along, join in the discussions about our concerns, and let’s turn our worry into actions together!
Feeling inspired to get involved?
We are always looking for volunteers, so get in touch or come and meet us and see how you can get involved! Join us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, or sign up to receive our latest news (it only takes two seconds to add your email address – simply click on black ‘Follow‘ tab on bottom right of this screen!). Feel free to also send us an email using our contact form, or come and say hello at our events like the Horsham Climate Cafe or the Horsham Repair Cafe!