Horsham Climate Cafe

Our Launch!

We were thrilled to launch our Horsham Climate Cafe on Saturday 7th December 2019. As well as locals and school/college pupils, among those attending the cafe’s launch were county and district councillors, Horsham District Council chariman Kate Rowbottom, and parliamentary candidates for the Green Party, Liberal Democrats, Peace Party and the Conservative Party. The Green Party, Liberal Democrat and Peace Party candidates all signed a pledge to take action on climate emergency, as well as inviting the public to Vote for the Planet and Climate Action in the forthcoming election.

Mock up newspaper from 29th Decemeber 2029!

Carrie also presented her ‘mock up’ newspaper dated December 29 2029, the headline reading – ‘Horsham District achieve zero emissions by 2030’ (what a dream that would be!). She said: “It is important to sow seeds of change, show people what the district could look like and inspire them to move in that direction and fast” – check out the full press coverage here. Together, we can help move the community towards a zero carbon Horsham District, and make this headline a reality!





















Feeling inspired to get involved?

We are always looking for volunteers, so get in touch or come and meet us and see how you can get involved! Join us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram, or sign up to receive our latest news (it only takes two seconds to add your email address – simply click on black ‘Follow‘ tab on bottom right of this screen!). Feel free to also send us an email using our contact form, or come and say hello at our events like the Horsham Climate Cafe or the Horsham Repair Cefe!

Inspiring sustainable living in Sussex