Horsham to get ‘pop-up’ cycle lanes along Albion Way

Message from Horsham District Cycling Forum

Last month the Government called on councils to make swift and significant changes to their road layouts to give more space to cyclists and pedestrians so as to enable socially distanced active travel.

West Sussex County Council has responded with seven schemes across the county, including the plan to cone off one lane of Horsham’s Albion Way in each direction from Sainsbury’s and Waitrose to the Bishopric to make it safer for people to cycle and walk to the supermarkets and the town.

For an example of what this could look like I attach a picture of a ‘pop-up’ cycle lane on Kingston Bridge over the Thames.

Although initially only along a short length of road, the Cycling Forum supports this plan since it will help local people walk and cycle more safely whilst maintaining social distancing – particularly along the busy stretch of road between the Bishopric and Waitrose where many people walk. This will be good for key workers getting to work, for children on their way to school (once they’re back!), and for people going to the shops.

To enable more people to use the new lanes we think it should link up with the existing cycle track by Prewitts Mill near the Sainsbury’s roundabout, and we will be proposing this to the council. If the scheme works well it could be extended at a later date to the junction with North Parade and beyond to East Street so as to create a ‘backbone’ safe cycle route across the town.

For the scheme to be a success however, it’s essential to demonstrate that it has wide community support – and this is where you come in!

A clear show of support will hopefully ensure that the scheme is extended and forms the basis of future schemes, for the benefit of all.

Please let us know what you think of the ‘pop-up’ cycle lane. Would you be able to provide us with a statement of support?

You can also show your support by publicising it to your members and sharing on social media.

Francis Vernon

Chair, Horsham District Cycling Forum

Working to make cycling a safe, convenient and attractive option for all

@CycleForumHorsh – Facebook and Twitter


01403 269564/ 07857 795 569

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