Ludicrous contradiction in Evening Standard

Letter to the editor of the Evening Standard…..

After reading yesterdays paper I was shocked by the contradictions. On one page I read how “Quarter of London’s parks and playgrounds break the limits on filthy air with dangerous concentrations of nitrogen dioxide. The EU safe limit in accordance with the World Health Organisation is an average of 40 µg/m3 per year yet Victoria Embankment Gardens are 59.8 µg/m3′ ”

Then a couple of pages later Andrew Leadson states “XR are protesting in the wrong city and how the UK must be a beacon of hope for other nations”. She then goes on to say “We are sorting out our own back yards and the UK is already taking urgent action on climate change”

So which of the two stories are correct?

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Maybe she has not noticed the reports on London’s air quality or how Scotland and Ireland have banned fracking however England continues to open up more new oil wells, how her government still gives huge subsides to the fossil fuel industry whilst Britain’s renewable subsidies have hit a record low, how temperature keeps increasing and another airport runway is not deemed an issue.

Out of 16 indicative climate votes between 2008 and 2018  Andrea Leadson voted 13 times and only positively to reduce emissions on 3 occasions.

We wonder why our children must keep breathing in this toxic air and how childhood asthma continue to rise and then we don’t want them to take to the streets.

I stand by those who see and sense the emergency and urge those who don’t to educate themselves on the climate breakdown we are now facing.

Nicola Peel

Learn more about Nicola and her work here and


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