We have decided to remove sponsorship from Amazon from our website with the realisation that it contributes to so many of the problems we are all striving to resolve.
The brilliant choice of the word “Amazon” is a stroke of genius- linked with one of the most life-sustaining, essential things on the planet!
Calling a Dumfries warehouse a ‘fulfillment centre’ smacks of Orwell’s gripping novel, 1984. Maybe it should properly be called a ‘full-Fill-ment centre’ as brand new products such as laptops and TVs are simply sent away to be buried in the ground from it, as landfill is cheaper than re-distributing them around the UK or donating them to schools and hospitals.
As the richest man in the known universe, Amazon owner Jeff Bezos made UK sales worth £14,000,000,000 in one year (2019) alone. He has a personal fortune of £155,000,000,000. However, he pays minimal UK tax by claiming small profits. It seems customers are unaware of the full story of buying and throwing away, over and over again, while gradually undermining small, local businesses in the long term. One charming designer I met cheerfully described his job, (working for several large chains based in China and Horsham) by saying, “I make landfill!” Read more