Wildlife & Environmental Awareness Day 26 August 2013

Brent Wildlife HospitalBank Holiday Monday 26th August 10 – 4pm Brent Lodge Wildlife Hospital, Cow Lane, Siddlesham, Nr Chichester, PO20 7LN – Wildlife and Environmental Awareness Day – “Redressing the balance”.  Although entrance is free, they would be grateful if you could give a tin of dog/cat food on arrival!


Sussex Green Living’s 100% recycled stand, Pedro and his recycled robots will be at the show, playing green games and giving ideas about how people can lead a greener life.

Brent wildlife hospital event

We want you, the people of Sussex, to take some ownership of  www.sussexgreenliving.co.uk Forward your suggestions for events, videos, parks and green spaces etc to be added to “your” site.

“Greening Sussex by Sussex families”