Tag Archive for: press_release

Countdown 2030

How to Build a Happy, Healthy and Green Community by Paul Hannam (first published in West Sussex Country Times)

Paul Hannam

By Paul Hannam, Chair of Greening Steyning

As Sir David Attenborough and others have warned 2021 is a turning point if we are to get on top of the climate and ecological crisis we are all facing.

Whatever your politics, whatever your lifestyle, whatever your values or interests, we have to rise above our individual differences to work together for the common good.

Will we look back and see the pandemic as a watershed in history, the moment when we acted as global citizens and community champions? If there is one definitive lesson from the Covid-19, it is that we have an astonishing capacity to unite under a common purpose. If we can maintain this resolve, we can prevent climate and ecological collapse.

Each one of us has a role to play as individuals, families, employees and members of a community. On our own, it is very hard to make the changes we need to. Working together, we can transform our communities. Through mutual support and community action, street by street, we can achieve our vision. Read more

Nuthurst community allotment

Nuthurst Community Allotment by Sally White (first published in West Sussex County Times 6th May

Nuthurst community allotment

Nuthurst Community Allotment by Sally White

One of the better things that happened in 2020 was that Jonathan van der Borgh turned up on Angus White’s doorstep.  He brought with him the brilliant idea to create a new community allotment in Nuthurst.  That idea is now becoming a reality.

As soon as we spread the word via the December issue of our local Parish Mag, The Link, we quickly gathered an extremely enthusiastic team of Nuthurst-ers! With seven pairs of hands on board, we cleared the ground of the old Architectural Plants’ site which has now moved to Pulborough.  We weeded, shovelled soil, ploughed, rotavated, spruced up the glasshouses, chitted spuds, amassed loads of seeds and sowed.

We did another ‘shouting-about-how-great-we-are’ routine in The Link and on Social Media. These shout-outs have been very well received; we have had a flood of interest from local residents and also from local businesses who are keen to contribute much needed materials and equipment. Have a look at our website for details of how to get involved and for a list of the businesses who have been kind enough to donate to the allotment. Read more

WSCT our weekly column – week one 14.10.20

Read the full article below.

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All About Horsham (AAH) – Green Crusader

All About Horsham (AAH) – Green Crusader – article

Tietastic World Record broken in Horsham Park

Tietastic World Record broken in Horsham Park – article

Helps schools effort in Nationwide recycling scheme competition

Helps schools effort in Nationwide recycling scheme competition – article

Carrie Cort winner of the BBC Sussex & Surrey Community Heroes Green Champion award

Carrie Cort winner of the BBC Sussex & Surrey Community Heroes Green Champion award – article and sound bite

Biscuit wrapper recycling

Wrappers to Riches Competition bid

Wrappers to Riches Competition bid – article

schools and pledges

Help charity win new recycling fundraising contest

Help charity win new recycling fundraising contest – article

plastic recycling

Four page spread – Join our club

Four page spread – Join our club – article

School celebrates after winning eco art award

School celebrates after winning eco art award – article

recycled scarecrows

Make your own scarecrow

Make your own scarecrow – article

plastic recycling

Do your bit for the environment in bottle top event

Do your bit for the environment in bottle top event – article

Biscuit wrapper recycling

Wrappers to riches contest

Wrappers to riches contest – article

Seed swap event a growing success

Seed swap event a growing success – article

Horsham quaker

Quakers supporting recycling

Quakers supporting recycling – article

Recycled dispatch

Quakers support for recycling

Quakers support for recycling – article

Business Matters Awards

Business Matters Award

Business Matters Award ceremony results

Philippine Community Fund logo

Green gifts for the Philippines

Green gifts for the Philippines – article

Launch of the public baby wipe recycling scheme

Launch of the public baby wipe recycling scheme – article

Carrie Cort

A resourceful role for Carrie

A resourceful role for Carrie – article page 8

children and nature

Connecting children with nature

Connecting children with nature – 3 page printed article ABC Magazine

Coffee waste packaging recycling

Coffee packaging now able to be recycled at charity

Coffee packaging now able to be recycled at charity – article