Encourage Your Kids to Go Outside More
Getting outdoors and learning about nature is an essential part of education. These days, however, many children prefer to spend their free-time cooped up inside with a tablet on their lap and the TV playing in the background. While technology can play an excellent role in a kid’s childhood, they also need time in the great outdoors.
If your kid is more interested in YouTube than wildlife and you want to change that, then here is how.
Grow Your Garden
Bringing the outdoors close to home is the simple first step to getting your little one more in tune with nature. Create areas in the garden that will interest them, such as a pond, a bird-feeder, or maybe even a treehouse! If you do decide on a treehouse, consider hiring a tree surgeon before installing it.
Children mimic their parents, so you should make a goal to go into the garden more, and your kid will be more likely to follow. If you have the room, you could even give them an entire spot to do whatever they want with (within reason).
Take a Weekly Walk
It’s not always easy to fit in the time for family walks, especially when schedules collide. Committing to at least one walk per week shouldn’t be too difficult, though, and will give you and your family a chance to bond, some exercise, and a stronger connection with nature.
Make it an essential part of the week, so no matter how much your child insists they want to stay home, make it non-negotiable. Over time, they will come to appreciate the time spent exploring new places.
Buy Cute Outdoor Clothing
A great incentive to going outside is getting to wear a cute outfit. If you buy your kid some cool outdoor clothes that they’re desperate to wear, then they will be more enthusiastic about getting outside!
Make Getaways Nature-Focused
By making getaways nature-focused, your kids will soon start associating nature with fun. The next time you’re planning a holiday abroad or a trip to the seaside, make sure you include outdoor activities. For example, if you’re going to the beach, let them watch fish and look for crabs. They’ll be so absorbed that they’ll forget all the electronics that have been left in the car!
An Outdoor Hobby
An easy way to get your kid outside more is by signing them up for an outdoor hobby. Many sports fall under this category, including football, rugby, and tennis. If they’re not a sporty type, there are plenty of other clubs they could join, such as the scouts.
While enjoying their time outside, they’ll also receive the benefit of exercise and a bunch of new friends.
Keep a Nature Diary
Keep a log of everything your kid discovers inside, and they’ll soon grow eager to fill the pages. If you have a bird-feeder, for example, then get them to log in each new species they see visiting the garden. Bonus points for drawings!
Learn about other outdoor environmental education activities here and our exciting 2021 project – Bright New Future Roadshow here.
If you fancy doing a little UK bird watching why not take a look at our A-Z UK bird guide.
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“Inspiring sustainable living in Sussex”